To image yourselve flying to Canada

When will the CANADIAN BORDER OPEN for International Students


International students have been asking “when will Canada open its borders for international students?”. The answer to this question is; “the Canadian border is already open to international students.” 

The Canadian border has been closed to international students since March 16, 2020. Only students who had a study permit before March 16th 2020, with in-person classes were able to travel to Canada. 

Updates on travel restrictions in Canada for international students 

However, International students can now travel to Canada and have been travelling to Canada. Once you have a study permit or introduction letter, and the school you will attend is on the list of covid 19 readiness list of schools, you can enter Canada. This covid 19 readiness list is constantly changing and updating, so before you travel, ensure that you check for possible updates.

It is important to note that there are a lot of additional restrictions that apply to all international travel. Plus, the Canadian border officer always has the final decision on whether you enter or not. This is the hard truth that we all have to face as international travelers. 

Firstly, all international travelers are required to have a negative covid-19 test result to show when boarding the flight. Then upon arrival at the Canadian border, you will be required to take another covid-19 test at your own expense.

Previously, as you wait for the covid-19 results, you would be required to quarantine for three days at a government designated hotel, but this rule is no longer in effect. You had to make all your hotel arrangements at your own cost. With food, covid-19 test, and cleaning, the cost was approximately $2000 and even more, but fortunately this is no longer in effect

This new rule for travelers to quarantine for three days at a hotel was in effect from February 22, 2021 until August 9, 2021. 

If you need assistance finding a school for international students, I offer one-on-one coaching calls, assistance navigating through the official website or just information about moving to Canada as an international student. 

Latest News for International Students

International students can now study outside of Canada for 100% of their studies and will still be eligible for the Post Graduate Work Permit until December 2021

The Post Graduate Work Permit enables you to work for the similar duration as your studies. For example if you will study for one year, you are eligible for a work permit for one year. If you study for three years, you will be eligible for a work permit for three years. 

It is important to note however, that the work permit is only for a total of three years. Therefore, if you study for four years, you will get a work permit for three years, because the maximum number of years of a post graduate work permit is three years.  

Quarantine plan for international students travelling to Canada

A quarantine plan is required to travel to Canada. This document will be requested by the border officers. Before we go any further, let me tell you what a quarantine plan is. This is a document outlining how you intend to quarantine effectively when you arrive, if you are required to. 

The quarantine plan should include the place you will quarantine, (whether a hotel, apartment or at home), and the persons who live at this location. It should state how you will get to the destination, and explain how you plan on getting food/groceries for the 14 days of quarantine.  This can be through take out delivery services, a friend or family member. 

It also explains how you will get medication or medical services if needed. Be sure to show that you have enough money, like a credit or debit card that can be used in Canada during the quarantine. 

I know you may be wondering “why won’t I have money”, but honestly, I know of international students who plan their quarantine, and forget to have enough funds to cover the whole quarantine period. Remember, you will not be able to leave your quarantine room or apartment so be fully prepared for the full 14 days. 

The feeling of being in quaratine is similar to being in jail

After the three days quarantine at the hotel, you will need to go to your final destination where you will complete your 14 days quarantine. During the quarantine period, it is mandatory to avoid contact with everyone 65 years and older, the immune system compromised individuals and people with underlying medical conditions. These people are the most vulnerable group to contract covid-19. 

How quarantine work

  1. Stay home unless this is absolutely necessary for example healthcare
  1. Separate yourself from all other members of your household
  1. If separation is hard, wear a mask
  1. Own your own private bedroom and bathroom
  1. Do not use the same utensils, bedding, cups or any other personal items

Is it mandatory mask to wear a mask

In most cases wearing a mask is mandatory in all public areas. The specific rules for masks depend on the province, each province has their own rules and regulations. A combination of social distancing and the wearing of masks will definitely reduce your risk of contracting the virus so I recommend always wearing a mask in public. It is also important to note that you need a negative covid-19 test so please always wear the mask. If you find it hard to breathe while wearing the mask then pull the mask down a bit when no one is around. 

Quick reminder of the signs and symptoms of covid-19


Dry cough

Trouble breathing

Chest pain or pressure

Loss of taste and smell


Aches and pains

Sore throat



Loss of movement or speech

During travel, ensure that you do not show signs or symptoms of covid-19, even if this may be the common cold or allergies, avoid exhibiting these symptoms.

If it is possible it is better to avoid travel if you are showing signs because you may not be able to board the flight. 

If you think you may have symptoms of covid-19, stay home and isolate from the rest of your family. Ensure you take plenty of fluids, and reach out to your nearest health provider to get instructions on how to handle the symptoms, where to go and get tested and if symptoms worsen where are the closest facilities. 

How does arrivecan app work

This app will be required in order to get the ArriceCan receipt, which is required during the boarding of your flight and at the port of entry. Ensure that you download this app from google playstore and answer the following questions accurately and honestly. This will provide you with the needed receipt. The receipt outlines your date of travel, port of entry an a list of travellers. 

Documents needed to travel as an international student

  1. Study permit or letter of introduction
  2. Enrollment letter or acceptance letter from your designated institution
  3. Proof of funds-at least tuition fee and $10,000 CAD for textbooks and other expenses

Here is a comprehensive guide on the current travel restrictions

  1. Get a covid-19 negative test 72 hours before travel
  2. Quarantine plan
  3. ArriveCan receipt
  4. Another covid-19 test upon entry
  5. 3 days in government designated hotel
  6. 14-days quarantine
  7. Mandatory wearing of mask

Before travel keep in mind that the Canadian border rules are constantly changing. So ensure that before you travel you check the updates on the border. I hope you find the information helpful, if you did click this facebook link, and join the community, so that you can ask questions and get quality answers. 

In my next blog, I will be talking about how to bring your family to Canada. Certainly if you want to bring your family to Canada you do not want to miss this post. This most will be talking about ways in which to bring your spouse, common law partner, your parents and even your child. Remember to share the post with anyone planning to travel to Canada soon, and may have questions or uncertainties. 

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