Travelling to Canada 2 months before a global pandemic | How difficult it is to find a job in Canada

The International Student Canada Podcast
The International Student Canada Podcast
Travelling to Canada 2 months before a global pandemic | How difficult it is to find a job in Canada

Welcome back the international student Canada podcast where I talk about life in Canada and Canadian immigration. Today I will be talking about travelling to Canada 2 months before a global pandemic and the difficulties of landing a job in Canada. Now this is kind of a part 3 of moving to Canada from Jamaica, but focuses more on the pandemic side of things.

I know people tend to try to ignore the reality of the current situation, but this episode is to motivate you that life goes on. Or others may say the light at the end of the tunnel.

50 Scholarships & Loans for international students in Canada

If you are struggling with applying for your Canadian student visa ensure that you grab my checklist that outlines all the documents needed to apply and so much more.

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