If you are like Emma, with these same hassles DIY your Canadian Student Visa Application is for you!

See how others like Emma has achieve approval of their student visa

“Hey, I previously applied for my student visa and it was rejected. The rejection letter states that I did not convince the officers that I will leave the country after my studies. I am so confused and frustrated and I start school in September, can you please help me!?”  

She was so scared of how she would reapply, because her rejection didn’t make sense. Her refusal said she did not convince the officer that she will leave after her studies. She had no idea how she should prove that. Through research and seeking help, she found me. I saw her message for help and I responded with hope that she really needed. Rachel knew how expensive attorneys were and did not want to take that route. I comfort her to let her know that I can help her, we discussed everything and she decided to join the program. 

This is what Rachel had to say after the program: 

“OMG, I didn’t know that a program like this existed, but I am so glad I found it because it has saved me thousands of dollars that I need for school. You have helped me every step of the way and taught me so much that I did not know before applying the first time. I don’t know how you found all these details that you taught me and how you found some hidden information but you are truly a miracle. Thank you so much for all your help!”

Rachel’s application was a lot harder and needed a lot more work compared to first time applicants. We spent a lot of time on conference calls going through all she needed to know about applying. She mentioned that I taught things that she wasn’t able to find online and this is because I spent three years searching the internet for every detail on applying for study permit, I found areas on the official website that are the most tedious to find, and require detailed research. 

I’ve gone through the whole process of applying and with my first application, I was approved. This was not luck, this was not coincidence, this was pure lots of dedicated, detailed, and important research that has equipped me to be able to help others to avoid being refused. After three long months after applying, Rachel’s student visa was approved. 

  • Rachel 

Rachel’s story is truly remarkable, and  offers transformations. This is what you can get from this program. The program takes you from complete confusion and uncertainty to being completely confident that you are taking the right steps and making the right moves to achieve your goal.

Are you stuck in applying for your visa? Unsure where to go or what to do to get more details? Received some contradicting information and wondered what information is correct? Not sure which schools are for international students? Not sure if your chosen school is for international students? Unsure you are on the right path? Do you simply wish you had affordable assistance, other than an expensive attorney or immigration lawyer? If you said yes to all or some of these questions, the DIY Canadian Student Visa Application package is for you? 

With the DIY your Canadian Student Visa Program

You are able to…

  • not waste hours searching for inconsistent information
  • not get annoyed each time you hit a bump and have no idea what to do and/or hw to do it
  • not spend months trying to put together an application that may gets rejected anyways
  • not waste $3000 to $4000 on immigration attorneys
  • not spend valuable money reapplying over and over because your visa keep getting rejected

These are the realities of many international students, don’t go through the same unnecessary headaches when the DIY program is here for you!