Most Recommended Package

● Checklist with website links
how to apply (what, why, and how)
Full Guide-Letter of explanation in details
Full Guide-Proof of funds in details
● workbook provided

● get questions answered along the way
● 1 or 2 meetings (flexible) for 1 hour sessions each *
● assistance finding a school
● 1 proofreading and recommendation to improve letter of
video on filling out the application
● tips on how to make a strong application
● limited additional support after meeting *
● 98% chances of study permit approval
● no templates

Best for clients who need step-by-step guidance on the application for a
study permit and want to increase their chances of acceptance.

Most recommended is only $149

Intermediate Package

● I will ensure all documents are together & provide a checklist
how to apply (what, why, and how)
● Full Guide-Letter of explanation in details

Full Guide-Proof of funds in details
● workbook provided
● get questions answered along the way
● 2-3 meetings (flexible) for 1 hour sessions each *
assistance finding a school
● templates provided
read, provide recommendations and offer final edits letter of
explanation and proof of fund documents

● one on one help to fill out the form or video if required
tips on how to make a strong application
● additional support along the way
99% chance of study permit approval

Best for clients who want step-by-step guidance on applying for study permit
with a very high chance of acceptance

Intermediate package is only $218

Expert Package

● I will ensure all documents are together & provide a checklist
how to apply (what, why, and how)
● Full Guide-Letter of explanation in details
● Full Guide-Proof of funds in details
● workbook provided
● get your questions answered along the way
2-3 meetings (flexible) for 1 hour sessions *
● assistance finding a school
● read, provide feedbacks, recommendations, edits along the way for letter of explanation and proof of funds documents
● one on one help to fill out the application
● Tips on how to make a strong application
● additional support along the way
● 99.9% chance of study permit approval

Best for clients whose first language is not english or someone who needs
one on one support along the whole process of applying.

Expert only $279

Basic checklist

how to apply – what, why, and how
● Full Guide-Letter of explanation in details
● Full Guide-Proof of funds in details
● 1 meeting for 1 hour session *
● 2 ideas on schools in Canada or you can purchase the ebook
● video on filling out the application *
● tips on how to make a strong application
● limited questions after the meeting *
● 96% chance of study permit approval, if steps are followed properly, if steps are not accurately followed 50/50 chance
no workbook
● no templates
● no proofreading, recommendation, or editing of written documents

Best for clients who genuinely cannot afford the other packages but really
need the service to improve their chances of being accepted their study

Basic package is only $99